Description: Counselling for couples and individuals addressing a wide range of issues including depression, grief, anxiety, low self-esteem, anger, personal growth, communication difficulties, spiritual questions, family violence, physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse.
Fees are determined according to family income.
Our counsellors are trained professionals with degrees from accredited post-secondary institutions who possess a range of complementary skills, backgrounds and areas of expertise as well as a tremendous amount of compassion and sensitivity for those who seek our services.
Our counseling approach recognizes that every client comes to us as a whole person with emotional, mental, physical and spiritual strengths and needs. Our doors are open to all people regardless of faith or cultural background. We have been welcoming people to take part in our programs since 1995.
Website URL:
Sonshine Community Counseling Services
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Business Address:
Box 34067 RPO Westbrook, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3C 3W2